Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Energised or at the edge of burnout and exhaustion?

Due to the demands of the modern business world, greater emphasis is being placed on our ability to mobilise the energies of the body, heart, mind and spirit as a practical tool to maximise our inherent potential and reach greater heights. This requires new insights and skills that up-end conventional thinking about how to increase energy and attentiveness in the face of ever-rising pressure and global competitiveness within organisations. Without energy, performance is merely a latent possibility. According to Peter Drucker, personal energy is a crucial enabler for effectiveness in any role and for all employees. We therefore require the ability to raise our own energy levels as well as an ability to raise and orchestrate the energies of others in order to make an impact within our teams and organisations.

Energy as “spirit at work” and spirituality within the workplace are often used interchangeably in the literature around this topic. The term “spirit” as energy force at work, relates to the extent to which employees are driving towards results. During peak performance, there is no waste of motion, emotion or energy. There is only knowledge, focus and the individual experience of being “in flow” which then implies a higher level of awareness and job satisfaction. Given the demands of the work environment, we need to know how to draw on extra energies – not just exceptional physical stamina, but untapped reserves of imagination, passion, determination, farsightedness, problem solving and more.

We must become creative change agents by cultivating the energies within and around us to make a positive difference in our world whether in our personal lives or in our careers. This implies having a choice and choosing what is best for us.

Practical ideas to raise your own personal energy:

1. Connected Breathing
One of the simplest ways to improve your energy levels is by breathing properly. Our breathing is often too shallow due to too much stress and not feeling in control. To breathe deeply, you need to breathe into your abdomen, so that your stomach moves forward. Do this regularly for 10 minutes at a time by simply taking at least 10 conscious and very deep breaths. According to Anthony Robbins, you should deeply inhale for 7 seconds, hold your breath for 21 seconds and exhale slowly for 14 seconds. This can significantly raise your energy-level.

2. Eating habits
Food is fuel to our bodies and healthy eating habits will raise your energy. Eat well balanced meals at regular intervals (do not skip a meal). Remember: your body often has to use more energy to burn off fats and sugar and therefore unfortunately depletes its own valuable energy resources. Use your common sense in planning your meals and see what it does to your energy levels.

3. Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic means "with oxygen" and refers to exercising with higher oxygen consumption by the body. This could be walking, running, cycling or swimming. Experiment with this and see what you like to do and what is easy to maintain. Exercise at least 3 times a week as this will boost your energy level and your body fitness.

4. Sleeping
Getting sound sleep is an important enabler for energy throughout the day. You should sleep between 5 and 8 hours per night (this varies from person to person). You should monitor your sleeping habits and ensure that you go to bed and get up at the same time every day. This will ensure that you develop a good sleep-rhythm which will help to restore your energy levels.

5. Mental Energy: Thoughts and Emotions
Thoughts are energy-consuming. You need to become a master of your own thoughts and not invest in negative thinking or emotions. Become aware of your thinking and direct your mental focus to something empowering. Set goals for yourself and have a personal vision.

Things to remember in raising your team’s energy:
(adapted from: The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon)

1. Get your focus right
Do not allow people to complain unless they also offer solutions. It will most certainly make a difference in your office atmosphere, and it will lead to new ideas, innovations and success.

2. Practice positive leadership.
Remain purposeful in the face of adversity. Celebrate small victories and remember that it is people who drive numbers.

3. Keep those channels open
Uncertainty leads to stress which in turn depletes energy. Remember that people tend to act according to what they assume. It is therefore important to ensure that your communication remains clear and positive so as not to cause confusion.

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